Unite through intentional learning at The Brainery through movement, play, crafts, panel discussions, meditation, meet-ups, and more. The Brainery Plug In Program seeks enthusiastic minds with teachable skills to apply as instructors for this space. Programs that engage fellow Forest Family in active thought or participation are especially welcome.
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you attended Electric Forest before?
Have you participated in The Brainery or other Plug In Program before?
Workshop or Offering name: [Approx 1 -3 words. No overly long or flowery language will be accepted]
Workshop instructor name(s):
What category does this workshop fall into? [Choose maximum of two that apply]
Participatory Lecture
Dance / Movement / Flow
Meditation / Sound Healing
Intention / Goal Setting
Crafting & Art
Comedy / Improv / Freestyle
Programming for Woman-Identifying
Programming for Male-Identifying
Meet-Ups / Gatherings / Inclusive Sharing
How many team members would be required to present the offering
1 (Just applicant)
2 Persons
3 Persons
Description of Workshop or Offering: [Please keep to 4-5 sentences maximum]
Does the Workshop or Offering require any supplies for instruction?
Would Forest HQ need to provide any of the above supplies?
How long in duration is your Workshop or Offering?
How long will it take to set up for the Workshop or Offering?
How long will it take to strike the Workshop or Offering?
If selected, could this workshop be presented on Tuesday, Wednesday or during the day on Thursday?
Available Tuesday through Sunday
Available Wednesday through Sunday
Available Thursday through Sunday
Available only Friday through Sunday 4
Do you grant Electric Forest the right to record The Brainery Workshop?
Personal Statement / Bio: [Please keep succininct and 4-5 sentences]
Link to website or primary social media account:
Link to online information about instructor, previous workshops or qualifications:
Please send us a video link! While this is not a requirement, Forest HQ loves to hear about the applicant's story, inspiration, workshop and to learn more about their personality. [Please keep to 3 minutes or under]
How did you hear about the Plug In Program or The Brainery Plug In Program?
I understand that completing this application does not automatically guarantee acceptance to the program. Additionally, it is understood that Electric Forest does not provide transportation to or from the event, camping supplies nor reserve camping spaces. Electric Forest also does not refund, upgrade or change previously purchased Wristabands, Camping or Vehicle Passes.
Yes, I understand
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